Where We Buy

We buy oil and gas non-operated working interests throughout the United States. Selling us your non-operated working interest means you receive a lump sum cash payment upfront, rather than long-term, traditional monthly net income payments. Our team of expert buyers will offer you a competitive price for your oil and gas non-operated working interest.

Anadarko Basin
Oklahoma, Kansas

Bakken Shale
North Dakota, Montana

Barnett Shale
North Texas

Denver-Julesburg Basin
Northeast Colorado, Southeast Wyoming

Eagle Ford Shale
South Texas

Haynesville Shale
East Texas, West Louisiana

Illinois Basin
South Illinois

Marcellus Shale
Pennsylvania, West Virginia

Permian Basin
West Texas, Eastern New Mexico

Powder River Basin
Northeast Wyoming

Uinta Basin
Northeast Utah

Utica Basin
East Ohio

Interested in selling your non-operated working interest?

Corya Resources LLC
1226 N County Road 500 W, Greensburg, Indiana 47240-9334
812-663-6900 | info@coryaresources.com
Corya Minerals LLC